23 First World Problems Most People Would Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Monica Sanchez | November 24, 2014


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here's 23 #firstworldproblems most people would actually be thankful for this wonderful holiday. 


1. You only get a couple days off of work. 



2. Starbucks runs out of Pumpkin Spice Latte like in 2012.



3. You get stuck hosting the family for a whole day. 



4. You have to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade from home instead of in New York like the celebs. Omg



5. Relatives won't stop bickering over the remote. "But the game's on!" 



6. You just want to watch your favorite show on Netflix. 



7. Grandma somehow ropes you into cooking this year. 



8. Your newly health-conscious relative asks if all the food is organic. 



9. Your vegetarian relative complains about the turkey smell. 



10. There's always someone in the family who drinks a bit too much. 



11. You have to be polite and let guests serve themselves before stuffing your face. 



12. Your friends invite themselves over. 



13. A relative cares enough to ask you what you're doing with your life. *Shrug*



14. You have a bunch of cranberry sauce and sweet potato, but no marshmallows.



15. Mom keeps telling your significant other embarassing stories. 



16. The eggnog is non-alcoholic. 



17. A relative ruins your day by telling you pumpkin pie's made out of squash. "Um, you're wrong."



18. A fight between relatives makes things super awkward. 



19. You're full, but your eyes are bigger than your stomach. 



20. Your pants are suffocating your food baby. 



21. You want to sleep, but your relatives take over the place.



22. Someone starts playing Christmas music. "But it's still November."



23. But even though your family drives you crazy, you know you love them and they love you. 


Happy holidays!