MRC's Schneider Reacts to Big Tech's Shocking Admission Before SCOTUS

Luis Cornelio | February 26, 2024
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Can states put social media platforms on notice for censoring Americans, or are these platforms broadly protected to prohibit or limit content online with impunity? These are some of the questions that the Supreme Court may decide. 

Here’s what you need to know about the cases.

Today, the Court heard two separate but related legal cases that dealt with Texas and Florida free speech laws working to punish social media platforms that selectively censor online content. But NetChoice–a company representing Big Tech platforms, including Meta, Amazon, Google, PayPal, Pinterest, Snap, TikTok and X (formerly Twitter) among others–took issue with the laws and filed lawsuits. The cases, dubbed NetChoice v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice, are against Ken Paxton and Ashley Moody, the attorneys general of Texas and Florida, respectively.