Don Lemon Angrily Rants Against Cruz for Cancun Trip; Contrasts Him with the 'Leadership' of AOC and Beto

Duncan Schroeder | February 20, 2021
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On Friday night’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon continued the liberal media’s obsession with bashing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) over his trip to Cancun. Lemon went on a four minute rant which he declared was “not about politics” despite that he relentlessly pummeled Cruz for not “taking responsibility” and praised Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and former Democratic Senate and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke for their “leadership” during the crisis in Texas.

Read the full article on Newsbusters: CNN or DNC? Don Lemon Trashes Ted Cruz, Hails AOC and Beto, But It's 'Not About Politics' | Newsbusters