Video: Youth Movement in Europe Calls For the Government to Step Aside

Nick Kangadis | January 25, 2016

(Sign reads: "Fortress Europe. Close The Borders")

Amid a wave of migrants -- and migrant-based assaults -- on their country and around Europe, a right-wing group called the Identitarian Movement has uploaded a video describing their disgust with the people in power.

In the video, which is a little under three minutes, young Identitarians clearly and succinctly describe their displeasure with European leaders and the politically correct culture that permeates the Western world.

The Identitarian Movement, comprised of the youth of Austria and Germany, calls for the leaders of the European nations to stop bringing people in that have no intention of assimilating to the country they inhabit:

You impose tolerance and diversity, but you mean self-hatred, self-denial and self-abolishment. You love and support the foreign, and hate and fight what is our own. You want to talk us into believing that we have no identity, that we are too homogenous. We shall be repressed and replaced. You preach of the diversity of cultures, yet you destroy them.

In this emotional plea from the youth of Western Europe, they also talk of how political correctness has damaged their way of life.

We demand the end of politics which take away our right to our identity and self-determination. We demand the end of the educational system which wants us to instill us into shame and self-hatred. We demand the end of societal mainstream in which common sense yields to political correctness.

Will this ‘movement’ gain steam in Western Europe, or will the youths' demands fall on deaf ears?

For the full video, watch below: