Gavin Newsom Actually Believes California is the 'National Model' on Homelessness

Nick Kangadis | May 16, 2024

It’s really rich (pun intended) for a man who’s reportedly worth tens of millions of dollars to speak about how his vision has improved things for the homeless when we all have eyes that see a state that is overwhelmingly plagued by homelessness that said rich man caused.

California Governor Gavin “Helmet Head” Newsom (D) are the epitome of a d**che baggery. He’ll preach how everyone needs to stay in their homes and neglect small businesses until they’re out of business while he eats at the most expensive restaurants in the state.

So, for Newsom to come out and pretend — practically outright lie — that his state is the bastion, the example for the rest of country when it comes to dealing with homelessness is not only laughable, it’s delusional.

“The state of California’s seen a decline in veterans’ homelessness. We have a national model,” Newsom said. “What Proposition 1 did is it reinforced that model, provided more resources to advance that model and we’re very excited to get those dollars to work.”

Related: Controversial Sedona Parking Lot for the Homeless Foreshadows National Trend

Notice how he couldn’t articulate exactly what aspects of the “model” are apparently working. Sure, it’s a short clip, but he’s speaking in politician. And if you know anything about politician speak, you know that it’s “modeled” off of BS.


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