Rep. Bowman Co-Hosts Fundraiser with Notorious Anti-Semite Even Biden Condemned

Craig Bannister | May 6, 2024

Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) further cemented his anti-Israel credentials last Wednesday, when he co-hosted a fundraiser with an extremist Muslim leader who cheered Hamas’ murderous October 7 attack that killed more than 1,200 Israelis.

Rep. Bowman, a member of the U.S. House’s radical-leftist, pro-Palestine “Squad,” co-hosted the event with Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American–Islamic Relations.

“During his time in Congress, Bowman has become one the top Israel-haters in Washington, accusing the Jewish state of crimes in Gaza, The New York Post reports, noting Awad’s praise of the October 7 attack by the terrorist group Hamas:

“Back in December, Awad publicly said he ‘was happy to see’ the Hamas slaughter in Israel which left some 1,200 dead and hundreds taken hostage.” 

Awad’s comments were so offensive that even Pres. Joe Biden – who is currently trying to coerce Israel to stop fighting the terrorist group that attacked it – denounced them.

“We condemn these shocking, antisemitic statements in the strongest terms,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said, reacting to Awad’s remarks at the time.

In a May 1 Facebook post promoting last week’s fundraiser, Awad praised Rep. Bowman’s support of Palestine:

“This evening at 7pm we have a fundraiser for Congressman Jamal Bowman, a staunch defender of Palestinian rights and also the target of AIPAC and it's (sic) affiliates.”

For his part, Bowman is siding with the violent, destructive pro-Hamas protesters at college campuses, saying he is “outraged” that police stepped in to restore order, as The National Review explains:

“A vocal critic of Israel, Bowman this week slammed the police for intervening in the Columbia protests that led to activists capturing a building, breaking windows and barricading themselves in. The president of the university said the students brought the unrest to an untenable point, requiring police to eject protesters.

“Bowman blasted the ‘militarization of college campuses, extensive police presence, and arrest of hundreds of students’ and accused of the administration of “dangerous escalation.’”

The congressman’s ties to antisemitism don’t end there, however.

In “NY Dems Mondaire Jones, Jamaal Bowman take campaign donations from Soros, others funding antisemitic college encampments,” The Post reveals that groups funded by radical billionaire George Soros are reportedly among the anti-Israel organizations funding Rep. Bowman’s reelection campaign:

“New York Democratic candidates in competitive races took campaign donations from board members of the Westchester People’s Action Coalition, a left-wing nonprofit, and the Soros family, which are both pouring money into antisemitic encampments on college campuses.”

In 2022, Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that “Soros’ donation was the single largest to J Street Action Fund, which has spent $1.7 million this cycle, including $100,000 to Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a progressive who staved off a challenger in his New York district.”

“Hamas Apologists Rally To Save Jamaal Bowman's Campaign,” The Washington Free Beacon reported on Monday:

“Progressive groups that routinely downplay Hamas's terrorism are seeking to give Rep. Jamaal Bowman's (D., N.Y.) embattled primary campaign a final push across the finish line, as polls show him trailing his pro-Israel primary challenger.

“Anti-Israel groups, including RootsAction, the Working Families Party, and IfNotNow, joined forces with Justice Democrats—the far-left group aligned with the ‘Squad’—to help raise funds for Bowman.”

Rep. Bowman has also entered into a joint fundraising campaign with fellow Squad member and rapid anti-Semite Rep. Rashid Tlaib (D-Mich.) who was censured by the House of Representatives for defending Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

Bowman has become so toxic with Jewish Democrats that they’re even condemning other Democrats who dare to associate themselves with him. After attending a Manhattan fundraiser with Bowman on Thursday, Democrat New York City Comptroller Brad Lander was reportedly slammed as “sick and hateful” for appearing alongside Bowman.

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