NBC's 'Queer Planet' Documentary Claims 'Nature Is Full of Queer Surprises'

Brittany M. Hughes | May 16, 2024

Did you know lions are gay? Or that some sea animals are transgender? That zebras have orgies every Friday night after happy hour? Or that basically the whole of the animal kingdom is super onboard with the alphabet mafia?

That's what NBC seems to believe, as explained in their upcoming documentary on "queerness" among animals. Because that's what struggling Americans trying to afford groceries and gas really need: a show about pansexual two-spirit starfish humping one another.

“Everything you were told as a kid is wrong,” the new trailer for NBC’s “Queer Planet” documentary begins, before launching into a minute-long explainer about how nature is super queer, and you’re the stuck-in-the-mud human bigot for not appreciating the environmental gender-bending rainbow all around you.

“Gay penguins, bisexual lions, sex-changing clownfish, this is a queer planet,” an “expert” featured in the documentary continues.

“Queerness has always existed; it’s only in humans that we have such a stigma about it,” the trailer goes on, adding that “the idea that there are just two fixed sexes is clearly out of style.”

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The documentary snippet goes on to claim that “Mother Nature is clearly open-minded,” and “full of queer surprises.”

Of course, Mother Nature is also full of bugs that eat crap, animals that murder and cannibalize their own babies, and birds that barf into their children's mouths. So I'm not really sure why we're taking pointers from lower down on the food chain on what is and isn't acceptable behavior.

The “documentary” will premier in June on NBC’s streaming app Peacock, to coincide with “Pride” month - the weeks-long onslaught of LGBTQ propaganda force-fed to weary Americans at the advent of every summer.

Of course, assuming that the animal kingdom is all about fornicating with members of the opposite sex doesn’t appear to be what most scientists believe. In fact, a review of homosexual behavior among animals featured on nature.com states that when it comes to scientists' attempts to explain this behavior in the animal kingdom, “Some of these hypotheses are non-adaptive, suggesting that same-sex sexual behaviour is the consequence of mistaken identity, the limited availability of individuals of the opposite sex, the consequences of sexual frustration when individuals are refused by members of the other sex, or the by-product of selection acting on a separate trait, such as high sexual responsiveness.”

Other theories include the belief that same-sex behavior establishes hierarchies, reinforces alliances, and resolves conflicts among certain animal species - though, because animals can’t exactly explain themselves being that they’re, you know, animals, it’s likely we’ll never know for sure.

Either way, taking cues for how humans ought to behave from monkeys that fling their poo or dogs that lick each others’ rear ends probably isn’t the slam-dunk gold star for perversion that NBC seems to think it is.

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