Big Pharma

Wait - so Big Pharma isn’t right all the time? After taking a birth control pill with progesterone, an Illinois woman began bleeding from her…
MRC Latino | February 20, 2024
VICKY NGUYEN: More than 20% of 12 to 19-year-olds are considered obese. Obesity specialists say these meds, along with a healthy lifestyle can be…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | October 5, 2023
CVS pharmacists accidentally gave Las Vegas mother Timika Thomas a drug that terminated the lives of her twins in utero instead of a medication that…
Nick Kangadis | January 26, 2023
Project Veritas may have done it again! If everything the person said that Veritas capture through undercover means is true — and as of this writing…
Jay Maxson | January 5, 2023
The mere mention of young, vaccinated athletes possibly suffering serious health problems as the result of COVID shots is strictly verboten by left-…
Nick Kangadis | May 20, 2022
How evil is evil? You need to look no further than the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla. A video from 2018 is making the rounds of Bourla telling the…
Jay Maxson | January 28, 2022
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers could possibly repeat as the NFL’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) this year. Nonetheless, he’s been a…
ola olugbemi | October 27, 2017
Federal prosecutors arrested John Kapoor, the founder and former CEO of the pharmaceutical company, Insys Therapeutics, on the same day that…
Bryan Michalek | June 14, 2017
The rate at which people are dying from opioid-related overdoses is on a dramatic uptick. And with the number of cases for 2016 still being verified…