Drag Queen Leads Toddlers In 'Free Palestine' Chant to Protest LGBTQ-Friendly Israel

Brittany M. Hughes | April 25, 2024

A man dressing up in women’s spandex and half a cosmetic aisle’s worth of makeup to read books to children is insane.

Chanting “Free Palestine” in support of the terrorist group that murdered over a thousand Israelis on October 7 is insane.

Now, leftists are combining the two into one supernova of crazy.

Video shows a drag queen at a “Families for Palestine” event in Massachusetts leading children - some of them as young as toddlers - in a “Free Palestine” chant.

“Today what we’re going to do is shout ‘Free Palestine.’ Can I hear that?" the drag queen said. "If you're a drag queen and you know it, shout ‘Free Palestine!’”

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Which, on top of being disturbing and highly inappropriate given the presence of very small children, is also incredibly ironic, given that Palestinians and their militant terrorist rulers, Hamas, aren’t particularly friendly toward those of the LGBTQ persuasion, what with their tendency to persecute them an target them with violence. While gender-bending men in fishnet nights are free to brainwash preschoolers in the United States, gay and queer people in Palestine aren’t allowed to publicly display their lifestyles, and are routinely forced to live as asylum-seekers in Israel, a nation that does not openly torture and persecute gays.

You know, the nation these "Free Palestine" idiots are protesting.

Hilariously, during the event, Valley Families for Palestine "accepted donations on behalf of Al-Qaws, an LGBT advocacy group based in East Jerusalem, according to a social media post. Al-Qaws was banned by the Palestinian Authority in 2019, with a police spokesperson claiming the group conflicted with "traditional Palestinian values,'" ABC15 News reported (emphasis mine).

The irony here is laughable.

Hey look - the spandex might sparkle, but no one ever accused these morons of being bright.